Ripping it up at the Greely Pump Track

Every now and then I like to hop on my old BMX bike (a 30 year old Mongoose) and play like I’m a kid again, and this is one of those times. I brought my daughter and one of her friends all the way out to Greely and we had a blast riding around on the track, going over the bumps and through the banked curves.

The track is big on thrills but not very difficult, and the biggest challenge newer riders face is getting up some of the hills.

I threw together a simple video, paired it up with vintage music from the Price is Right, that I hope conveys some of that carefree feeling.

The pump track is Greely Village Park, 7292 Parkway Rd, at the outskirts of the Ottawa city limits. Check it out sometime.

One thought on “Ripping it up at the Greely Pump Track

  1. Hey! I rode the Pump Track yesterday on my 2022 Catrike 5.5.9! What a blast! And my wife said I could go do it again sometime, hopefully with a video recorder. ps…I’m 72.

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